Monday, July 1, 2013

HPAIR Dubai 2013

Dear Applicant,

Congratulations! You have been accepted to the 2013 Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Asia Conference. Attached please find the official acceptance letter and other documents containing important information. Please read through them very carefully.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at Congratulations once again and we look forward to meeting you in Dubai this coming August!

Best regards,
Artur Meller
Associate of Delegate Relations
Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations

I opened this mail at midnight and suddenly I got chills over my body for reading this. At first, I had no intention to join this conference. Then my upper classmate asked me to accompany her joining this conference which she had already accepted as a delegate. The wheels keep on rolling. I applied as a delegate for this conference the next day. About three weeks later, I checked my mail and found that there was an email from the conference committee asking me to do the interview session the next day. That email sent to me over three days ago. And I was late. I thought that my chance going to Dubai this year had been over. But a week later, I opened my mail and found the shocking announcement as above.

It's a great honor for me and that was a huge deal. But later I found that the registration deadline was in the next five days. For a second I convinced my self that this is it, I have to reapply next year. There's still a chance for me getting there. But my sister opinion made me doubt. For the next three days, I thought about it. My final decision is I have to go to Dubai in 2014.


Yes, I have to go to Dubai in 2014. I will attend the 2014 Harvard Project for Asian and International Relation. But for that, I have to apply in the early registration deadline. So that I can have a plenty time to prepare all the things. :')

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Next Destination : European Dreams


"Integrated flood risk management aims to reduce the human and socio-economic losses caused by flooding while taking into account the social, economic and ecological benefits from floods and the use of flood plains or coastal zones. The need for the adoption of a holistic integrated approach to managing flood risks has been reflected in the Flood Directive of the European Parliament."

That's the first paragraph in the Erasmus Mundus Programme in Flood Risk Management's website. The one paragraph that keep me motivated to continue my study, to continue my journey and to achieve my dreams.

The Erasmus Mundus Programme in Flood Risk Management is offered by a consortium consisting of :

1. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (the Netherlands)
2. Technical University of Dresden (Germany)
3. Technical University of Catalonia (Spain)
4. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

As I've stated above, that this programme will take place in four universities in four different countries, the Netherland, Germany, Spain and Slovenia, including some international trips to Denmark, United Kingdom, Bangladesh and Japan. What an interesting offer!

There is an inspirative quote that I found through Google lately, It says " Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did NOT do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."

I've already determined my destination. The journey seems a bit rocky. So what I have to do right now is keeping my self motivated, hard working, looking for self development and of course praying to God. A man can make a good plan, but the one from God is the best.

European Dream in Next Two Years? Insya Allah!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Struktur Rangka Batang (Truss Structure)

Sebuah struktur rangka batang adalah sebuah susunan struktur yang tersusun dari bagian struktur dua gaya yang tersambung bersama-sama ke sebuah tatanan dari segitiga-segitiga dengan berbagai macam bentuk. Beberapa contoh dari struktur rangka batang diperlihatkan pada gambar di bawah. Struktur rangka batang dpat digunakan untuk menghubungkan sebuah jarak sepanjang yang diinginkan, dan terutama digunakan secara umum untuk bangunan dengan bentang lantai serta atap yang besar, dan juga digunakan untuk jembatan-jembatan yang panjang. Apabila sebagan besar dari elemen-elemen struktur dan susunan-susunan struktur umumnya ditutupi dengan plafon, lantai, dan dinding dengan tujuan dramatisasi dan estetika, rangka-rangka batang seringkali dengan sengaja dibiarkan terbuka, demi mendapatkan penampilan arsitektural sebuah struktur.

Truss Structure

Idealnya beban-beban rangka batang diterapkan hanya pada titik sambungan dari bagian struktur, yang disebut titik tumpu (joint). Rangka-rangka batang dibangun dengan konstruksi sedemikian rupa sehingga sumbu memanjang dari tiap-tiap bagian struktur yang tersambung bertemu di titik simpul, dan tiap-tiap titik simpulitu dapat ditinjau sebagai titik gaya yang konkuren. Rangka-rangka batang diasumsikan berperilaku seperti sebuah sendi yang menyambungkan semua bagian struktur dan beban-beban apapun yang diterapkan pada tiap-tiap titik simpul, yang biasanya dikenal sebagai sebuah sambungan sendi. Walaupun mungkin diperlukan banyak pengunci (fastener) untuk membentuk sebuah titik simpul rangka batang tunggal yang besar, fakta bahwa semua beban yang tersambung adalah konkuren menghasilkan bagian struktur yang diasumsikan mentransfer momen-momen yang dapat diabaikan di antara bagian struktur itu sendiri pada sambungan-sambungan sendi yang teridealisasi.